Octopuses Are Basically Aliens: 12 Strange Ways They Don’t Belong on This Planet

1. Their Hearts Are Weird


Octopuses have not one, but three hearts! According to the Smithsonian Magazine, two hearts pump blood to the gills, while the third pumps it to the rest of the body. This may sound strange enough on its own, but here’s the kicker: when an octopus swims, the heart that delivers blood to the body actually stops beating. This means octopuses prefer crawling to swimming, as swimming is far more energy-draining for them. It’s not just the number of hearts that’s odd—it’s the way they work in tandem to keep this eight-limbed marvel alive.

This heart setup makes octopuses vulnerable when they swim, and they often use their unique crawling style to conserve energy. This strange cardiovascular system might explain their preference for staying close to the sea floor. When octopuses do decide to swim, it’s typically for short distances, and they don’t do it for fun—they do it because they have to. The complexity of their heart structure raises a lot of questions about how such an odd setup evolved and why they need it. Maybe this is just one more thing that makes them seem out of place in the oceans.

2. Their Blood Is Blue

iStock/ Marcoveringa

One of the fascinating facts about the octopus is that its blood is blue, not red. Unlike humans, who have iron-based blood, octopuses have copper-based blood, which is more efficient for them in cold, low-oxygen environments. The copper in their blood helps transport oxygen, but it also makes their blood look a very eerie shade of blue. If you’ve ever seen an octopus up close, you might have noticed their blood vessels looking different from what you’re used to in mammals, and that’s exactly why.

This blue blood might make octopuses look even more like creatures from another world, especially since they’re so unlike us in so many ways. The blue blood helps them survive in deep, dark, and cold ocean environments where oxygen levels are low. It also contributes to their alien-like aesthetic. You might even say that this feature is a perfect example of how their biology seems so out of place on Earth. It’s as if their entire design was built for a completely different atmosphere.

3. They Have No Bones

Pexels/ Elle Hughes

One of the most obvious ways octopuses don’t belong on Earth is that they have no bones. That’s right—octopuses are completely boneless, and this allows them to squeeze through incredibly tight spaces. They can fit through openings that are smaller than their actual size, and this is because their bodies are made entirely of soft tissue. If you’ve ever watched an octopus slip through a tiny crack, you’ve witnessed a true marvel of nature.

Without bones, octopuses can contort, twist, and change shape in ways that would be impossible for any creature with a skeletal structure. This ability to morph and fit through spaces is one of the reasons why octopuses are so hard to study. Their flexibility and ability to hide in plain sight make them seem like they are almost liquid in their movements. It’s almost as if they’ve evolved to be the ultimate escape artist, slipping away from danger like no other creature on Earth.

4. They Can Camouflage Like Chameleons (But Better)

iStock/ Pia B

Octopuses are masters of disguise. Not only can they change their color, but they can also alter the texture of their skin to blend into almost any environment. They have specialized cells called chromatophores that hold pigments and can stretch or shrink, allowing them to mimic everything from rocks and coral to sand and algae. This camouflage ability is so advanced that it can fool even experienced divers.

What sets octopuses apart from other camouflage artists like chameleons is the ability to change texture as well. They can make their skin bumpy or smooth to mimic the surroundings more effectively. Some species of octopuses can even mimic the appearance of other animals, such as lionfish or flatfish, to deter predators. This ability to change not just color but texture makes octopuses seem like they have supernatural powers. It’s as if they were designed to be invisible, a feature that makes them feel incredibly alien.

5. They Have Nine Brains

Pexels/ Marcus Lange

You read that right—octopuses have nine brains. According to National Geographic, one central brain controls their body’s overall functions, while each of their eight arms has its own smaller brain that governs movement. These smaller brains help octopuses perform complex tasks with individual limbs, almost like each arm is independently conscious. This decentralized brain system allows for some truly fascinating behaviors, as octopuses can manipulate objects, open jars, and even solve puzzles, all while their arms work autonomously.

This unique brain structure means that octopuses have the ability to perform tasks simultaneously using different arms without requiring much thought from the central brain. It’s like they have eight independent minds working in harmony with one main control center. This level of cognitive ability is incredibly advanced, and it allows octopuses to perform some truly amazing feats, like figuring out how to escape from aquariums or opening a jar to get to their food. It’s hard to imagine any creature on Earth with such a sophisticated and alien-like brain system.

6. They Can Regrow Limbs

Pexels/ Kristina Nor

Imagine losing an arm and being able to regrow it at will. That’s exactly what octopuses can do. If an octopus loses a limb to a predator or in a fight, it has the ability to regenerate that arm over time. The new limb grows back fully functional, with all the nerves and muscles it needs to perform tasks. This regenerative ability is incredibly advanced and is something that many creatures on Earth, including humans, can only dream of.

Not only can octopuses regenerate limbs, but the process is remarkably efficient. The new limb can grow back in a matter of weeks or months, depending on the species. It’s a process that’s so advanced that it almost feels like science fiction. This regenerative power makes octopuses seem like they’re operating on a completely different biological level than most other creatures on Earth. It’s almost as though they’ve evolved to have an ability that defies natural limitations.

7. They Can Communicate Using Flashing Lights

Pexels/ Jeffry S.S

Octopuses are capable of producing flashing patterns of light on their skin. They can communicate with each other and with other animals through a range of colors and movements, almost as if they’re using a language made of light. This ability comes from the same chromatophores that help them camouflage, but in this case, they use it for signaling. These flashing patterns can indicate aggression, attraction, or even simply communicate their mood.

The ability to communicate with light gives octopuses a sort of secret code that seems more in line with an alien species than an Earth-dwelling creature. Imagine being able to send messages simply by flashing different colors on your body! This form of communication is not something we see in many animals, making it one of the more bizarre features of these already alien-like creatures. Their ability to use light as a form of language only adds to the mystery of their existence.

8. They Have an Incredible Memory

Pexels/ JUN HO LEE

Octopuses have excellent memories, and they can remember people, places, and tasks. In lab studies, they’ve been shown to recognize individual humans and even distinguish between different objects. This remarkable memory allows them to solve complex problems and avoid danger by remembering past experiences. They can also navigate mazes and remember the layout of an area, showing that their cognitive abilities go far beyond what many other creatures are capable of.

This sharp memory is another reason why octopuses don’t seem to belong on Earth. It’s rare to find creatures with such advanced memory skills, especially in the animal kingdom. Some studies have even shown that octopuses can hold grudges and react accordingly if they’ve been mistreated. This sophisticated level of recall suggests that they’re much more intelligent and self-aware than most other animals, making their alien-like qualities even more apparent.

9. They Can Fit Into Any Space

Pexels/ Yu Zhang

One of the most mind-blowing abilities of octopuses is their capacity to squeeze into almost any space, no matter how tight. Since they don’t have a skeleton, their bodies are incredibly malleable, allowing them to slip through cracks and crevices that seem far too small for them to fit. Whether it’s a small hole in a rock or a tiny gap between two objects, octopuses can contort their bodies to slip right through, often with ease.

This ability to fit into nearly any space makes them elusive and difficult to track. It’s almost as if they’re designed to be the ultimate escape artist, able to disappear at will. The way they can contort and shape-shift their bodies adds to their otherworldly presence. It’s hard to imagine any creature on Earth being this adaptable and capable of surviving in such confined spaces.

10. They’re Masters of Problem Solving

Pexels/ Ashley Christiano

Octopuses are famous for their ability to solve complex problems. Whether it’s opening a jar to get to a tasty treat or escaping from an aquarium, these animals consistently demonstrate their impressive intellect. They’re capable of learning through trial and error, and some species have even been shown to use tools, like coconut shells or rocks, to help them complete tasks. Their ability to think critically and figure things out on their own is a sign of just how smart they are.

This level of intelligence sets octopuses apart from many other animals, who rely more on instinct than problem-solving skills. The fact that octopuses can reason and make decisions makes them seem more like creatures from another world. It’s not just about instinct; it’s about conscious thought and the ability to plan. This intelligence makes them incredibly fascinating, and it’s one of the reasons why they’re often compared to alien life forms.

11. They Can Survive Without Food for Weeks

Pexels/ Maria Buloczka

Octopuses have an astonishing ability to survive without food for long periods of time. While they typically eat a variety of fish, crabs, and other small sea creatures, they can go weeks without food if necessary. This ability to fast is a survival mechanism, allowing them to endure periods of scarcity without suffering from malnutrition. During these fasting periods, octopuses will typically slow down their metabolism and conserve energy.

This ability to survive without food for extended periods of time is highly unusual for most animals. It makes them seem like they’ve evolved to cope with conditions that many creatures wouldn’t survive. This level of resilience adds to the alien-like qualities of octopuses. It’s as though they’ve adapted to an entirely different set of rules than the rest of the animal kingdom, further cementing their status as creatures that don’t belong on Earth.

12. They’re One of the Most Mysterious Creatures on Earth


Finally, what makes octopuses truly alien is how little we know about them. Despite their complex behavior and impressive abilities, scientists still struggle to fully understand these creatures. From their behavior to their cognitive capabilities, there are countless mysteries surrounding octopuses that make them seem like they don’t belong on Earth. Their intelligence, adaptability, and unique biology raise questions that we have yet to answer.

The fact that we still don’t fully understand how octopuses think, live, or even reproduce makes them seem like they’re from another planet. Each new discovery about these creatures leaves us in awe and confusion. It’s as if octopuses are still holding their deepest secrets, just waiting to be unlocked. For all we know, they could be the closest thing we’ll ever encounter to alien life.

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